#847 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,3,4,6,7. Other: PTSD

Growing up in the church, I first learned of masturbation from a bishopric member asking if I did it. I was young and being interviewed to go to the temple to do baptisms. I said “no,” as it sounded horrible, and then went home to look up the definition in the dictionary. (Thank goodness I…

#846 Michelle S. CS: 3,4,5,6,7,8,10. Other: Dissociative Identy Disorder

My story is too long so I’m writing a book. To offer some insight I can tell you that my father was taking religious classes at BYU from 1959 -1967 and during that time he was taught secret doctrine that fed his narcissism and he began sexually abusing me when I was three. He would…

#840 Stephanie B. CS: 1,3,6

ONE of many disturbing things that happened to my son by himself behind closed doors with our bishop (besides the fact that he was even in there, as I had told the bishop it wasn’t allowed just weeks earlier after my experience with this and other bishops) My son was 11, nearing his 12th birthday…

#836 Name Hidden. CS: 1,6,7

My father was my Church authority all during high school and I had to do these interviews with him. It was excruciatingly humiliating and, in retrospect, I think it was awful for him to be put in that position as well. He was not a perfect father or husband and, being in the “mission field,”…

#831 Name Withheld. CS: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8. Other: Sexual abuse from boyfriend

When I was fifteen years old I had a boyfriend who was manipulative, coercive, and abusive. I was confused because he told me he loved me and he bought me flowers. He made me feel special. Behind a closed door, he started to force me to do sexual things that I didn’t want to do.…

#828 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

When I was 8 years old, the Sunday School teacher told the class that the bishop was the best friend we had. We could take our problems to him, and he’d always listen, and help. I took myself to visit him as soon as class dismissed. I told him what daddy had been doing to…

#827 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

My father sexually abused me when I was 9 years old. It was not complete penetration, but unwanted touching and fondling and he made me touch him. The abuse began occurring while my mother was out with relief society meetings and visting teaching or shopping. It went on for about a year and was beginning…

#825 Tamara N. CS: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8

Growing up, I believed ANY and ALL questions asked by members of the bishopric helped them decide my level of worthiness and understand the nature of my sins. I never thought to ask my parents to sit in each interview with me; it just wasn’t ever done or encouraged. I saw that my parents trusted,…