#890 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,6,7. Other: This is one of the main events that led me to leave the LDS church.

I went to a bishop’s interview when I was 16 years old so that I could go do baptisms for the dead. The week prior, I had had a pretty heavy make-out session with a boy-friend, and some pretty heavy petting was involved. When I was asked by the bishop if I thought I was…

#887 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8

When I was a child about 9 or 10, I briefly viewed pornography out of curiosity before I knew it was a sin. When I had learned it was a sin in sacrament meeting sometime after, I was overcome with guilt and shame, as well as a terrifying fear of not making it to the…

#885 Reagan B. CS: 1,2,4,6,7. Other: Premature obsession with sexual terminology

When I was twelve I started having yearly bishop interviews where he would ask me questions about keeping the commandments and if I was following the church rules. The door was always closed and the main focus was always on the sexual questions. He would breeze past most of the questions, but would spend the…

#881 Name Hidden. CS: 1,6,7

I had a terrible sex education growing up. It was practically a banned topic at my house. We even had a TV guardian that would edit swear words on live TV, and it would replace the word “sex” with “hugs.” My bishop was a good man who sincerely loved and wanted to help others. I…

#880 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Other: Victim shaming

I had a boyfriend in high school and we were both very active LDS. We’d been dating for about 6 months when he told me he would kill himself in I didn’t have sex with him. I did because I knew him and I knew he would follow through with his threat. I did not…

#879 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8

I didn’t realize until I was at college that masturbation and strong sexual desire is a normal attribute of nearly every healthy person. My high school years were spent thinking that I was a deviant freak. Those years were counted in weeks that followed the shame cycle; dreading the coming of Sunday when I’d have…

#875 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,3,4,6,8

I was raised LDS and was used to bishop interviews. My first bishop was pretty respectful, the farthest he would go was, “do you obey the law of chastity?” And when I didn’t know what that meant instead he asked “have you sinned in a way that disrespects your sacred body parts?” Enough said, it…

#860 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,3,6,7,8

I was always shamed by The Church like everyone else growing up. I’ve tried writing my story now twice and every time I feel too much pain as I write to finish it. I’ll just say this: Stop damaging us. It’s too late for me and I’ll continue therapy to help heal my wounds. The…

#858 Renee M. CS: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

At the age of 18 I finally told my mom and my bishop that my step father had sexually abused me, the good bishop did what our culture had taught him and told me to let sleeping dogs lie since it had been a few years and put me on the repentance process (yet again)…