#467 Name Hidden CS: 1,2,3,6,8

I confessed to masturbation to several priesthood leaders as I struggled with it from age 12-19. One bishop around age 14 told me I was “preying on my own sexuality!” He was a kind and genuine man, but because of this idea I identified myself as a predator. I felt like a deviant much of…

#466 Christina M. CS: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8

I never thought my story would be important but now that I see others standing up to protect children from these harmful interviews, I feel I cannot be silent. When I was 8 years old a friend I did not play with much came over to my house. We went in my room and she…

#465 Briana W. CS: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

I still struggle putting this down on print and still have the shame that the church issued to me with my abuse. When I was approximately 7/8 years old I walked the few blocks to my cousins house to play. We lived in a very safe are of Sandy Utah and this was a common…

#463 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,3,6,7

I was sexually abused by my step-brother when I was an eight year old girl. It continued for two years. My family was broken and dysfunctional and there was no adult I felt I could talk to. Like many victims of sexual abuse, I kept it to myself for years. I was never asked any…

#461 Sandra W. CS: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

How do I even begin to try and explain the damage being abused as a child has caused me. I was 6, we had been friends with this family for a few years, our families did a preschool co-op together. My friend was the same age as me. We had play dates, saw each other…

#458 Name Hidden. CS: 1,3.6.7

I went on my own accord to visit the bishop with my then boyfriend, whom I loved very much. We had been sexually active, but decided we’d really like to “make things right”. I was terrified to have to talk to anyone about this, but decided it was the right thing to do to confess.…

#457 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,3,4,6,7

When I was 16 years old I moved to a new ward in Herriman, Utah. The first day at church right when we walked in the door we happened to meet the bishop. After my mom had talked to him for a few minutes and she had started talking to someone else, he then came…

#456 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

When I was 7 years old I had my first worthiness interview a few weeks before I turned 8 and would be baptized. The bishop already knew that I was being abused at home and told me that I was a sinner and needed to repent because I was not being a worthy daughter and…

#455 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,3,6,7,8

It wasn’t the interviews so much as a combination of the interviews with the fire-and-brimstone chastity lessons. Masturbation was described as an incredibly selfish and shameful act. Then we got the For The Strength of Youth pamphlet which called sexual sins “next to murder”. Then came the interviews asking about masturbation and the copy of…