These are personal accounts of the negative consequences that inappropriate interviews have had on people.

#1014 Jennifer L. CS: 1,2,4,5,7

I am sharing my story in hopes that it helps others to know they are not alone in their feelings, in their experiences and in their trauma, but also to raise awareness to the reality of the unhealthy culture and environment of the church for our children. I would love to see change for future…

#1012 Tori L. CS: 1,2,3,5,6,7,8. Other: Severe alcoholism

This story belongs to my mother. In 1970, in Salem, Utah, C.G. was a naive and innocent 11 year old, happy and willing to babysit the children of her Sunday school teacher. She endured multiple episodes of fondling, kissing, and hypersexualized discussion, on her teacher’s living room floor. THEN, the wife of this vile human…

1010 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,7,8.

Even though I was a fatherless Mormon Boy, my Mormon childhood was great all the way up until the dreadful day my testes started to produce semen and that is when my LDS nightmare began. It would happen naturally and I could not stop it from becoming erect. The Church had assigned a convert man…

1009 Name Hidden. CS: 1,3. Other: Destroyed Marriage

I’m writing to say this petition doesn’t go far enough. As good faithful members, my wife and I have always been instructed throughout our lives to speak to the Bishop regarding transgressions. We’re told this is a requirement for all members to do in order to receive the fullness of God’s blessings. Marriage can be…

1008 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,3,7,8

Masturbation. Just before turning 12, I was called in for an interview with the Bishop prior to becoming a deacon. One of his questions was if I have a problem with masturbation. I didn’t know what the word meant. I said, no. Puberty hit me at age 14 and from 14-18 “self-abuse” became a frequent…

1007 Lisa P.F. CS: 1,4,6. Other: my voice doesnt matter; the rules dont apply to mormon men they can do what they want

First of all Thank You! I never considered this happened to anyone else. I was raised in the church with my own father as a bishop when I was 15 to after I moved away to college. My parents are still very active with some of my siblings still members. I removed my name from…

1006 Name Hidden. CS: 1,3,7. Other: Distrust in authority figures

I was raised in the Mormon church, until I decided to leave it behind at around age 19. I was fairly lucky in that my family wasn’t very active in the church beyond Sunday school and the occasional cookout or what have you, so I missed a lot in terms of interacting with the bishops.…