These are personal accounts of the negative consequences that inappropriate interviews have had on people.

#813 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,3,5,7

When I turned 14, I was like any normal child. We had moved to a new town, and I was finding my footing. I went to a youth dance for LDS children and I met some friends. I asked my mom if I could stay over at my new friends house, and she said that…

#811 Name Hidden. CS: Other: Anger that I let my power as a mother be taken from me so easily, without a fight. Anger that the Bishop thought he could keep me out of the interview.

Hello, I am not sure if this story is being shared in the appropriate place. But I wanted my thoughts to go with Sam to his probable excommunication. When my daughter was 8 she was going in for her interview with our Bishop. She wanted me to come in, she was nervous. I was going…

#810 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,3,7. Other: Physical neglect from parents who could not recover mentally from their own abuse.

Something that I realized I needed to share was the generational effect of abuse victims. My father was raised in incestuous Mormon family. His father, the predator was at one point, a bishop, a school teacher, a temple worker. After decades of terrorizing his family and uncounted children not related, he was finally excommunicated after…

#809 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8. Other: Self abuse

My childhood was very painful. This was not necessary the fault of the Mormon church, but rather my biological father was/is pedophile and abused me sexually, multiple times. Which lead to my brother’s sexually abusing me as well. He also physically abused my brothers and this went on for about 12 years. Never was I…

#807 Amy C. CS: 1,2,3,4,7

I was born and raised in the LDS church in Las Vegas, NV. I began worthiness interviews with my bishop at the age of 12 as it was expected of all children at that age. I remember my bishop as a kind and approachable man whom everyone looked up to and trusted. However, he did…

#806 Chelsea T. CS: 1,2,3,4,8

I didn’t find out that masturbation was a sin until my bishop had a fireside for the youth. After that I felt extreme guilt because I couldn’t stop. I honestly thought I was the only girl who did this, I was so ashamed. A few years later after admitting it to close guy friends in…

#805 Madison H. CS: 1,3,4,6,7,8

As a child I would have these one on one interviews with bishops behind closed doors. The sexual questions began when I was a teenager. Very uncomfortable considering I wasn’t taught what “chastity” meant. My family never talked about sex. So it was hard learning different things from leaders in the LDS Church. I was…