When I was 15 I had an almost 18 year-old boyfriend. He tried to force things on me and sometimes had the upper hand He tried to go too far and almost did, he broke up with when I told him I wanted to wait. I was devastated. Shortly after, I had to have my bishop interview. I felt like I had to be honest and that my bishop could console me about my attempted rape that followed teenage heartbreak… but as he asked the questions, he got upset. Not with the fact that an older boy got the upper hand, but he was upset that I WOULD LET HIM – as if it was me that was at fault. He told my mother about what I’ve “been up to” and she was furious with me. It destroyed my relationship even further with her and she made me cover up even more of my body than what needed to me. I spent the remainder of my teenage years believing that I was in control of what other men thought about me and did to me.
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