I was thirteen or so when I was asked by a member of the bishopric if I touched myself. Of course, I lied. I barely knew this man. This was shortly after I was sexually abused by my ” best friends “, who happened to be the bishop’s twin daughters. They were younger than myself by about two months and so I never considered it abuse until I started talking to various therapists, police officers, and victim’s advocates and they confirmed what I had long suspected. I’ve been working through the ptsd that resulted as well as the severe depression that plagues my family ( I lost a brother to suicide and had an attempt myself ), binge eating disorder, severe ocd, hoarding, and overspending. I am no longer strong in the church, but I have many dear friends and family members who are. I wish no ill will, but only wish to shine a light on this misuse of power. This type of questioning can make a vulnerable child ( as I was ) even more vulnerable. I am still dealing with the repercussions. Though not all of this is due to the questioning, it certainly didn’t help and left me shamed and defeated. I am hoping for the best with this campaign. If not fully obliterating the practice, I hope it opens the possibility of bringing a trusted adult into the interviews for support. This could make all the difference and would encourage more honest discussion and reduce the shame that often results.
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