#547 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,4. Other: Permanently left the Church, and I am not raising my kids Mormon. I would never subject my kids to this kind of guilt and shame.

Dear leaders of the LDS Church, I am from Sandy Utah and I was raised Mormon (12th Ward of the Granite Stake). Starting at age 12 I felt a lot of guilt and shame for doing things that are completely normal and healthy during sexual development because of the detailed and sexually explicit questions that…

#543 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,3,7,8

When I was about 16 years old, I remember my bishop called our class of 20+ people to get there temple recommends. We had to all line up in the hallway and he called us one by one to get them renewed. I knew I wasn’t worthy of one and it would be awkward to…

#542 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,3,6,7,8. Other: Distrust of authority figures, especially men.

I had a rough childhood. I was molested at age 5 by a stranger and grew up in an emotionally and physically abusive home. As a teenager I rebelled and sought freedom and love from outside sources. As a result, I ended up making bad choices. One night I snuck out with a group of…

Success #16 Matt

Today I shared Letter 3 with my Bishop – who is a really good guy. He quickly responded with this reply..!! Hi Matt, I appreciate you sending me this letter and information from the Protect LDS children group. I can understand your concern on this matter. I can recall the conversations we have had in…

Success #15 Tamara B.

After the March for Children, I sent an email to my stake president expressing my concern regarding the 1st Presidency’s revised policy on 1:1 interviews with children. He responded and invited me, if I would be willing, to discuss my concerns and suggestions for protecting the children. He stated that if I wished, I could…