I have two stories to share regarding inappropriate and perhaps illegal or at the very least unethical actions directed by men in church leadership positions.
When I was 16, I had never been kissed and was asked to come over to a boy’s house. He was the son of the fist councilor and I met him in Sunday School. I thought he was cute. When I went over to his house, he proceed to kiss me and put my hand on his genitals. He asked me to give him oral sex. When I refused, he threatened to tell everyone that I was a whore and a slut. He requested nude pictures of me. I was traumatized,
I told my parents, to which I was shamed for being so stupid as to go to his house late at night.
I told my bishop. I felt sick around him, traumatized and wanted to go to a different ward. He told me I would get over it and I was responsible for my part in it and that I could not take sacrament for 3 months. I told him who it was, and he did nothing. The male who abused me passed sacrament the Sunday after I told my bishop what had happened and was still called on mission. He never went on a mission because he was arrested for attempted rape.
My 2nd story was when I went to college at the university of Utah. I was in Bishop ______ ___ ______’s Ward, son of the president of the church at the time. I remember him telling me that 2 and a half men was his favorite TV show. I thought he was down to earth.
I acknowledged that I had sexual sins to confess about my ex-boyfriend, I told him about the situations and he asked me to tell him details of the events, explicit details of what we had done. He gave me different scenarios of whether I would ever do anything sexual again with this man. He asked me if my ex-boyfriend got a hold of me and brought his sexy French cousin along, if I could resist both the men. I was crying, feeling sick that I had done anything with him and here I was explaining that no, I wouldn’t do anything sexual with either of them, I was truly sorry for what I had done. I felt sick, dirty and weird that I had shared so much with a man whose only response was more details and asking me if I would I do it again if there was another male involved.