I was a very dedicated member of the church as a youth. I didn’t do anything that would lead to me talking to the Bishop other than my annual meeting. My mother is very open talking about sex and sexuality with me, but every time I had an interview with my Bishop I would dread going. He would always ask me if I was being sexually pure and explain to me that even “levi loving” (he explained levi loving is rubbing your genitals together with another person) is a sexual sin and it is very serious and could lead to not being able to take the sacrament. I specifically remember one interview, where he asked me if I dressed modestly and checked me out slowly. I wanted to cry and get out of there so fast. My sister also had an inappropriate experience with him. She went to him regarding some minor things she had done with her High School boyfriend. He asked her to explain in detail what they had done, for how long, where they had done it, and how many times. He then told her she couldn’t take the sacrament for six months. They had not had sex, just a little messing around. She felt so ashamed and guilty even until she returned back from serving an LDS mission. She still to this day cannot talk about it because she feels so devalued and ashamed of what she has done. We both now, being in our 20’s, have problems being intimate with our boyfriends because we feel so guilty afterwards. To this day, when I pray I feel like God is a punishing, angry God. AND HE ISN’T! I know these things only happen with certain Bishops. Not all church leaders are inappropriate. Luckily, my youngest sister had such an amazing Bishop when she was in Young Womens. She always left his office feeling lighter and loved unconditionally from him like a father figure. I am so glad she has had a good relationship with her leaders. I am signing this petition to stop the inappropriate questions to young people and promote healthy relationships with the youth from their leaders. It is such an important time in their spiritual growth. They don’t need anything else bringing them down or making them feel less than. In my opinion, Bishops should be required to take counseling courses to have better tools to help struggling members.
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