In my teen years, my bishop interviewed me regarding masturbation and watching pornography. He would ask very detailed questions regarding how frequently I masturbated, how I felt, whether the pornography was “soft-core” or “hard-core”. He would tell me that what I was doing was a sin against god, equal to adultery, and that part of my “repentance” process was feeling extreme shame and guilt for the feelings I had. He told me that how I was feeling was within my power and that I should be able to control myself. He also said that it was probably because of being molested as a child that I had these problems.
The lasting effects of this caused me to become socially withdrawn, and unable to form stable, healthy relationships until many years later. The immediate effects was public and private shame (I was told I was not allowed to take sacrament and I was told I needed to tell my parents about my actions), and this eventually contributed to my attempted suicide.