Success #2 Sally D.

We have 3 teenage boys and a 6 year old daughter. We will be “dropping in” during these interviews from now on. The whole “grooming thing” clicked with me. For those that say “Well my Bishop doesn’t ask those questions…..” The whole being along in the room is conditioning/grooming that child. I see that now.…

Success #1 Name Hidden

While myself and my children are out of the church, I was significantly affected by the teachings of shame regarding masturbation and felt the effects of self loathing and worthlessness. I discussed these effects as well as the issues of grooming and potential abuse in the context of worthiness interviews with my faithful, attending mother.…

#389 Joel B. CS: 1,2,3,6

I really don’t have a great sense of exactly how to communicate just how damaging these one on one bishop interviews involving sexual topics by untrained men with authority for and from the church have been to me so this will probably come off long and not very concise. I think those that read the…

#387 Name Hidden 1,2,3,4,7,8

I recognize my mother’s voice in another story here, so I think it’s time to share mine. When I was a child, I had a very zealous bishop who thoroughly, searchingly interviewed me 2-4x/year starting around age 11. When I was first asked about subjects such as pornography, masturbation, bestiality, etc. by this bishop, I…

#385 Name Withheld CS: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,10

I don’t think my story is anywhere near as hurtful and disturbing as others who have come forward. I offer my respect, love, and support to each of the brave people who have shared their horrific realities with the world through this forum, and I add my voice to the collective voice crying for these…

Former Mormon bishop asks church leaders to stop interviewing kids about sex behind closed doors

Former Mormon bishop asks church leaders to stop interviewing kids about sex behind closed doors ST. GEORGE — A petition to stop the practice of one-on-one interviews between Mormon leaders and children has garnered over 5,000 signatures. The petition states closed-door meetings between adult men and children that include questions pertaining to sexual matters are…