#880 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Other: Victim shaming

I had a boyfriend in high school and we were both very active LDS. We’d been dating for about 6 months when he told me he would kill himself in I didn’t have sex with him. I did because I knew him and I knew he would follow through with his threat. I did not…

#879 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8

I didn’t realize until I was at college that masturbation and strong sexual desire is a normal attribute of nearly every healthy person. My high school years were spent thinking that I was a deviant freak. Those years were counted in weeks that followed the shame cycle; dreading the coming of Sunday when I’d have…

#877 Name Hidden. CS: Other: It makes me sick to know that I am lucky. I just as easily could have been shamed and taken advantage of by a bishop.

It really pains me that there is sexual abuse in the Church, and leadership struggles to apologize, and counteract it in lasting, meaningful ways. It’s fine and necessary for bishops to conduct worthiness interviews, but there is never a good reason to ask prying sexual questions, especially not to children. I know this is very…

#875 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,3,4,6,8

I was raised LDS and was used to bishop interviews. My first bishop was pretty respectful, the farthest he would go was, “do you obey the law of chastity?” And when I didn’t know what that meant instead he asked “have you sinned in a way that disrespects your sacred body parts?” Enough said, it…

#874 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,3,4,7

I wasn’t born into a “mormon” household. I was born into a “wordly” household, as I was often told as a 9 year old little girl trying to navigate my way through life in the LDS church, while having two addicts for parents. It was often hard for me when my grandmother would take me…

#872 Jenna B. CS: 1,3,7,8,9. Other: Afraid of going to the bishop

It was October of 2007, and I had just turned 8. I was told I had to meet the bishop, to see if I was worthy enough, so I could get baptized. I went in nervous as all hell, and wondered what he was going to ask me. He started off with the standard questions…

#871 E. M. CS: 1,2,3,4

I served as Young Women’s president for almost 10 years between three wards. On several occasions, the Bishop of the ward I was serving in made comments to me about the young women referring to their clothing, their bodies and the thoughts it gave them and encouraged me to teach them the appropriate way to…