#606 Name Hidden. CS: 1,6. Other: Spouse lost testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and marriage was destroyed

I was an active divorced LDS member, in love with a man who had converted, been baptised and had his temple recommend in hand when he proposed marriage for all eternity to me. We were both mature, had both been married before. This was the culmination of years of study on his part, (he had…

#605 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8

For years I was asked sexually explicit questions by grown men who held positions of power and authority over me. I was raised that way. I thought it was normal. Decades later I can now see the damage that was done to me. I do not want my children to be exposed to this. It…

#603 Name Hidden. CS: 1,2,3,6,7,8. Other: Self-mutilation ideation. The shame and guilt were so overwhelmingly, I wanted my genitalia removed so that I would never masturbate again.

Dread, shame and guilt at every annual worthiness interview from my teenage years beginning in the early 1980s into adulthood for masturbation. The interview didn’t even need to be particularly invasive because the Mormon socialization which shames this behavior is so predominate, the mere interview itself brings the heavy weight of that social condemnation to…