I write this as more an appeal to all church leaders. I see a gross injustice done to teenagers and adults as bishops and stake president ask questions regarding masturbation. I wonder what it would be like to turn the tables ask a Bishop how he feels about this. I’m tired of the cover ups or hush hush on silencing the victim’s.
My story starts when I was 7 yrs old. My father couldn’t go with me to a father/son camp out. He asked a 2nd counselor in the bishopric take me and that was my 1st experience being molested. I repressed it like it never happened. Years later it came back in dreams.
The 2nd incidents happened when I was a teen. I was groomed by scout leader he made it seem normal. I am grateful for counseling I received as an adult it helped me realize it wasn’t my fault. Off and on it has affected my marriage. I’ve been suicidal at times. I will tell people like Sam Young are giving victims a voice. The church is worried about image and PR issues. Why not say hey we have problem. If sexual abuses and rape is problem we should report it to authorities not brush it under the rug.