I was 15 and had a 18 year old boyfriend. I lost my virginity. My parents went to my bishop and asked him to talk to me. I was forced to go. I Confessed and he asked me, “Do you know what people called girls like you?” He called me a Slut. He told me I’d never get a descent young man and I had ruined all my chances. The rose petals were damaged and could never be made beautiful again.
I married the first boy that was nice to me at 17 and got the heck out of there. He was horribly abusive to me. We divorced at 21. Luckily no children.
That bishop, that monster! I was so young and already suffered from low self esteem. I felt absolutely horrible and then his words broke my heart. That kind of personal attack and degrading stays with me even today. For several years, I was very depressed and suicidal. I just needed a friend, an ear and some positive kind words.