I don’t know if this is a success story, but I’ll share it anyways. I sent an the email outlined on this protect lds children site to my bishop. He emailed me back and said he would honor my request, send it out to other leaders who might come in contact with my children, and he asked why I was making this request. I told him I had 2 friends who had been asked invasive, inappropriate questions when they went in to confess, and I had another friend who as a child was molested by a bishopric member in the church building. And I had been molested as a 13 year old (by someone not lds) and I am super protective of my children. At the end of the email I told him that there was a current church member (and a former bishop) trying to help the church with this issue. I then invited him to go check out the protect lds children website. He wrote back and said he was relieved it wasn’t because of anyone in the ward and he said he would check out the protect lds children petition website. He is a sweet guy and I believe he will at least look, but I’m hoping he gets on board.
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